Monday, November 9, 2009



-Crystal Pespi

-Calculator watches

-Beta max


-The Doc

-Guitar Bongs



Saturday, August 29, 2009


Taking on the Human Extinction Movement
Carlson talks with founder of group working to eliminate people from earth
updated 4:23 p.m. ET, Mon., Dec . 5, 2005

TUCKER CARLSON: You want to eliminate the human race. How unhappy was your childhood?

LES KNIGHT, FOUNDER, VOLUNTARY HUMAN EXTINCTION MOVEMENT: I know, a lot of people think that. No, no.

CARLSON: It's an obvious conclusion. Why would you want to do that? What would you want to be-want people to become extinct?

KNIGHT: Well, it's either us or millions of other species going extinct. You know, before we go too far, I should explain that this is through voluntarily not breeding.


KNIGHT: We're not advocating...

CARLSON: You're not calling for genocide.

KNIGHT: No, or any kind of increase in death. We're calling for a decrease in death, actually.

CARLSON: OK. But you're calling for people to go away. I guess the obvious answer is what if we prefer our species to those other species? Right? I mean, isn't it fair for human beings to want to perpetuate their own species?

KNIGHT: Well, it would be fair if that's all we did and if we let the others also survive and exist, if we could peacefully coexist. But ever since we became homo sapiens, we haven't been able to do that.

CARLSON: What do you mean? I mean, there are many species of plant and animal that are thriving.

KNIGHT: We still haven't gotten to them yet. We're working on it though.

CARLSON: But that's literally true. I mean, there are all sorts of, you know, insects and algae.

KNIGHT: You bet.

CARLSON: There are a lot of living things on this Earth, and a lot of them are doing quite well.

KNIGHT: They are, yes, especially the ones that can adapt to our civilizations, like pigeons and rats. But there are many species which have gone extinct, due to our increase. There are so many of us. Wherever we live, not much else lives.

CARLSON: So what's the point of saving the earth if there would be people around to enjoy it?

KNIGHT: Well, I know that's a question a lot of people ask. And it's obvious that they're not thinking about all the other species. We are just one of 10 million. Who knows how many? We've only catalogued two million. And to think that we -- the entire planet is just for us is rather human centered.

CARLSON: Of course it's human centered. We're humans. Now you apparently, I was reading that there are parents in this group?


CARLSON: What do your children say? What do you say to your kids? "Yes, I joined a group that is opposed to you"?

KNIGHT: No, no. We're not opposed to existing children. In fact, that's a large part of it. We're not taking care of the children that are already here. How can we, in good conscience, create more children when so many are dying of preventable cause?

CARLSON: But wait a second. What do you mean you're not against children? If I'm-if I hire an exterminator to kill the rats in my basement, I'm against rats. You're against having more children come into the world, so you're anti-children. I mean, how are you not?

KNIGHT: No, no. We're pro-children once the child is here. What we're against is conception.

CARLSON: That is so wildly anti-human. I mean, don't you see beauty in the creation of human life?

KNIGHT: Well, I see beauty in the creation of almost all lives. There's a trade off here. The more of us, the fewer of them. I mean, baby humans are cute, but so are baby pandas.

CARLSON: I don't know, how about baby maggots? Are they as cute as a baby child?

KNIGHT: They may not be as cute, but you know, their existence is far more essential to the Earth's biosphere than homo sapiens.

CARLSON: OK. So you see a moral equivalence between the birth of a maggot baby and the birth of a human baby?

KNIGHT: Well, that's twisting it a bit.

CARLSON: I don't know. I'm trying to listen to what you think.

KNIGHT: When you think of the biosphere as a whole and how ecosystems interact with each other, when an exotic invader comes in, as we are, and starts disrupting the other species...

CARLSON: Exotic. Are you a Scientologist? What do you mean, invader? We're not invaders. We're from here.

KNIGHT: Well, we've only been on the North American continent about 20,000 years, which is pretty recent. Each time homo sapiens move into a continent, a spasm of extinctions occur. And we are continuing it today.

CARLSON: If you don't mind my asking, who did you vote for in the last election?

KNIGHT: You know, I can't remember. Somebody asked me that the other day. Didn't seem that important.

CARLSON: Yes. What are your politics, generally?

KNIGHT: I'm an anarchist. But you know, the full range of political thought exists within the movement.

CARLSON: Interesting. And there are children in the movement, too?

KNIGHT: Yes. You know, I think the youngest is about 10. There aren't really very many. But a lot of people who are in the movement think -- have said that they thought of this when they were 6 or 7. It's not a really complicated thing to realize that Earth's biosphere is being disrupted by one species, and that one species is us.

CARLSON: I will say, that is the sickest thing I think I've ever heard, but you are one of the cheeriest guests we've ever had. I don't know how to-how the two fit together, but I appreciate you coming on. Thanks a lot.

KNIGHT: Thank you, Tucker.

Monday, August 24, 2009

chi city

There are two zebra print old ladies on the bus today.
They both got off on the same stop.
Her hair looked like cotton candy.
I wanted to eat it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I found my diary from middle school today and started reading it.
Afterwords I realized my blog has become my middleschool diary.
Fuck that.
No more angsty young girl talking about herself bullshit.
I'm done!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

oh oh oh tonight

Tonight, I had the longest panic attack I've had since october.
I have been reassessing my self and my identity and my life and where I'm going for the past few days and I have remembered alot of things about myself I forgot. Never being alone kind of makes one forget who they are, I can't even remember the last time I was completely alone for 24 hours. I think going by myself will be good for me right now. I am so sad all this is ending, everyone feels so cold all the time, I'm sure everyone's going through their own things. I don't know why mine always seems to explode out of me like that.
It was strange because I had felt fine through most of the day.
And then there was this sudden rush of grief I couldn't escape.
I feel better, now I'm just embarrassed to go back.
I'll just need to tell myself not to worry about it. I need to stop having things that happen in the past effect my relationships with people now. Less focus on other people's thoughts on me and more focus on my own.
Its so stupid because I feel like I've already taken these steps and gotten over these things only to forget and have to do them all over again.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ode to slo

I keep you behind my eyelids and pray for narcolepsy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I have a pain in my chest, it could be heart burn.
I've been hearing a ringing in my ear all day. Its probably a brain tumor.
This computer sounds like crickets in a field.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


You never cease to make me feel guilty.


you never cease to make me feel like shit.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vegan Lasagna

I've finally decided I'm going to try and settle down in slo for a bit.
Now that I've finally come to that I'm so fucking freaked out about it.
I already feel really unproductive and lazy, even though I wasn't doing anything before this. And what I consider is productive is just doing art and thinking and creating memories that are worth remembering. Then again, I tend to have the best thoughts and art and write decent songs when I'm going crazy in one place. Not that I'm torturing myself for good art.
Or am I?
Meh, fuck it.

Trying to get a job for a little while is going to be ridiculous though.
I give up just thinking about it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shitty shit and the shit that shits it out.

Getting over shit is hard. Especially when shit is people. I don't know why its so hard for me to be mad at people I'm close to, even when they lie. Being mad is a part of getting over so I'm told. Along with thinking about it and letting it bother you because the only way to get past it is accept it. If I don't think about it its gonna be even worse when it finally comes up, but if I'm thinking about it all the time and have bad dreams about it all the time I'm gonna be bummed all the time and it sucks. Alot. all the time. Gah.. I feel so shitty and inadequate and stupid and foolish and I told myself that I wasn't gonna be an angsty moody teenage girl and write about it but whatever. Fuck it right?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Coming back to california................

Haven't wrote anything in a bit.
I feel like if I had it would have been some angsty moody teenage girl bullshit and I'm not down with that even though I might feel like it.

I met someone one my way back down who was so wonderful and crazy and everything about our interaction was so wonderful and crazy because we were both out of our minds from riding the greyhound for days with no sleep. I found out we were floating around for the same kind of reasons and that we both wanted to travel to the south so after knowing eachother for a few hours we decided we are going to meet up in a month and go there and have crazy adventure times. When he agreed to go he made me play a game with him where I thought of the greatest thing ever and he captured it with my eyes closed.

I'm so excited.